Impossible Guitar Lessons

An individual in one of my guitar lessons recently commented on the way something we were doing was impossible. The challenge was definitely stretching their ability, but was accessible. They just couldn’t see that.

This was my response…

Impossible guitar lessons, or, "I'm possible" guitar lessons?

We all have days that we think for some reason aren’t going to work out, and the easiest thing to do is to quit. We then can’t be criticised for failing if we simply don’t bother, right? At least quitting was our choice. Or so we think…

The same is to be said for those out there that we seek support from in moments of change, to be surprisingly met with resistance. When we want to change or grow, yet are surrounded by people that are stuck in their ways, we end up inadvertently holding a mirror to those that feel hopeless. They want us to feel hopeless too, to validate themselves. Without their support, it’s all too easy to let the “beliefs” of others drag us down.

As the great Roman philosopher Seneca said – “we suffer more in imagination than in reality”.

Today, one of our guitar lessons, something else, or maybe someone else will challenge us. During these times, we must remember; not IMPOSSIBLE, instead I’M POSSIBLE.

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